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Digital Media In Everyday Life – From The Cradle To The Grave

28th November 2024

Lecture Theatre B
In this talk, Visiting Professor Helena Sandberg will share her experiences and insights from three projects on digital technology in everyday life in Sweden:
1) Children, Advertising and the Internet investigates children’s exposure, understanding, and engagement with online advertising and commercial platforms. The project builds on multimethodology and combines eye-tracking and controlled experiments with in-depth individual interviews with children (ages 9-16), and marketing and PR professionals.
2) DIGIKIDS Sweden, a project researching the introduction of digital technology in early childhood (0-3 year olds). We apply an ethnographic perspective and the “A Day in a Life” methodology, including video-recording the everyday practices and routines of the child engaging with digital screen media in the home. This project strives to make the youngest ones heard and visible, and to get a contextualized and holistic understanding of screen media in early childhood and modern family life.
3) HAIDI: Healthy Ageing in a Digital World, is a Nordic comparative project (DK, FIN, SWE) exploring the oldest among the old (75+) and their digital media use for their health and well-being, also including health professionals’ experiences and ideas of digital technology in everyday encounters with old citizens.